Cannabis: The Government Saves the Referendum with Decree, Extends Deadline by One Month

The cannabis referendum is safe: the Government has decided to step in and extend the deadline until October 30. Initially, the deadline was set for September 30, but thanks to a decree, an additional month has been granted to allow the promoters to collect and submit all the necessary documentation for the signature verification process.

The Cannabis Referendum is Safe: Extension Until October 30

The signature collection for the cannabis referendum has reached an incredible 500,000 signatures, the minimum required to proceed with a public vote. However, bureaucracy and tight deadlines had put the actual submission of signatures at risk, as many municipalities had not yet delivered the required electoral certificates. For this reason, the Government’s intervention was crucial to ensure that the process could continue without obstacles.

Riccardo Magi, a promoter of the referendum and member of the 5-Star Movement, expressed satisfaction with the decision: “The cannabis referendum has reached the necessary 500,000 signatures. The electoral certificates are coming in, but too many were delayed, and we risked losing everything. Thanks to the decree, we can move forward. This is a great sign of respect for the public’s will.”

Demonstration Outside Montecitorio

Despite the extension, tensions remained high in recent hours. Promoters and supporters of the referendum gathered outside Montecitorio, demanding not to be penalized by bureaucratic delays. Among them was Marco Cappato, a prominent member of the Luca Coscioni Association, who stated: “Thanks to the Government and everyone who prevented this referendum from being discriminated against. We can finally move forward toward the vote, but it is shameful that a referendum law was at risk of failing due to bureaucracy.”

Looking to the Future

Now, with an extra month, the promoters hope to complete all the necessary procedures to ensure the referendum is held as planned. If all goes well, the vote could take place as early as spring 2022, marking a historic event and a decisive shift in Italy’s cannabis policy.

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