Category Archives: Cannabis news

Rimani aggiornato sulle ultime notizie dal mondo della cannabis. In questa categoria troverai approfondimenti su sviluppi legislativi, novità industriali, eventi globali e tendenze emergenti legate alla cannabis. Segui i progressi del settore, dai cambiamenti normativi alle innovazioni nel campo terapeutico e ricreativo, con notizie verificate e aggiornate in tempo reale.

Driving Under the Influence of Cannabis: The Impact of Italy’s New Road Code Reform

Italy's new Road Code introduces strict penalties for drivers with traces of cannabis metabolites in [...]

Hemp and the Fashion Industry: Sustainable Fabrics for a Greener Future

The fashion industry is one of the most polluting sectors globally, but hemp is emerging [...]

CBD and Hormones: How Hemp Supports Women’s Hormonal Health

Hemp and CBD are gaining popularity for their positive impact on women’s hormonal health. From [...]

Cannabis Light: Analysis of Politicians’ and Activists’ Statements After the Suspension of the CBD Decree

The suspension of Italy's CBD decree by the Tar of Lazio sparked various reactions from [...]

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